At long last, a gay triumph!
28 October 2001
I am still coming down from the experience of watching WORLD AND TIME ENOUGH. So much in this gem of a film. What stays with me are the two leading actors, Matt Guidry [Mark] and Gregory G. Giles [Joey] playing gay partners. The treatment of their relationship was right on. At long last, gay partners played with depth and compassion. No silly walking out on each other or bar hopping or getting it on on the side. This is a straightforward look at two men in love. They happen to be in love with each other, share a home together, have dreams of better living conditions and allow each other the freedom to be themselves. What a joy to behold. One is HIV Positive and one is not. This, too, they make do with and get on with their lives with the understanding of the situation and not making it traumatic to the point it envelopes their everyday existence. My hat's off to Eric Mueller who not only wrote the screenplay in 1995, but also was the director of the film. Whatever happened to these two incredible actors? Where have they gone from here? According to their film history, they haven't done that much since 1995. Are they theater actors? I would love to see them both again. Together or separate in something. That's hoe good they were. See this movie whether you have a partner or not. It surely says a lot about not being by yourself. Makes me want a partner. It shows us all that living alone isn't always what's it cracked up to be. Thanks to Mueller, Guidry and Giles for enlightening me.
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