25 March 2001
And the oscar for the most misleading title in the history of film-making goes to... (you guessed it!): Live Nude Girls!

If you see this film as the late night movie in the TV guide, it wont do you any harm if you have an early night. It is boring. An opening scene is fairly steamy (anyone who watches this film will know what I'm talking about), but you can switch it off there. The title of this film must of been invented just to get more people to watch this film. But the audience that dose end up watching it will be dissapointed. The story is a group of ladys (over 30) just talking about stuff. You hear the 'F' word mentioned a few times, catch some quick glimpses of small, wrinkled breasts, and, well, thats about it! Think of it as a very tame 'Sex and the City' episode.

Perhaps this is more a film for women in their 30's. A group of ladys talking about life and sex. But if that was the filmmakers target audience, why call it 'Live Nude Girls?'. That title gives a whole different audience to the film, and alot more critisism because of this. If they would of changed the title to, say '30-something Women', it could of attracted a whole new audience, and, perhaps, greater appreciation.

But, on the whole, whatever this film is called, it is of no interest to me.
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