Sailor Moon (1995–2000)
Who could possibly resist the Sailor Scouts?
15 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers

I've seen just about every episode they aired of this series since it used to be on weekday mornings. There will always be a special little place in my heart for Sailor Moon. Why? Because somehow the most whiny and lazy girl not only becomes a mystical heroine, but a princess as well. Serena (aka Usagi, Bunny) seems like a normal teenager but talking black cat Luna helps her transform into a super fighting force.

You've got a lot of great characters here and while Serena is the main character, you can still enjoy episodes featuring other members of the team. They find out they are Sailor Scouts one by one, and each girl has her unique personality making them easy to identify with. You also have Darien/Tuxedo Mask for the men. My favorite was always changing, but I did take partial favor to Jupiter. Even the bad guys are fun to learn about as Queen Beryl's minions have small subplots taking place.

The DiC Debate: Some people love what DIC did with the series, others tolerate or hate it. The upsides? The show had relatively good voice actors unlike other series that get dubbed. They weren't sloppy and matched up the voices for the girls really well. Serena's voice could get a little annoying but not on par with Melvin or Molly's New York accent. The edits are slightly choppy considering certain things had to be cut (nudity, certain violence, same sex relationships) and there were script revisions but it does not hinder the flow and there's plenty of good background music. The downsides? DIC did cheese-ify the a lot. The episodes tend to fall into the repetition rut; Negaverse assistant of the week tries to steal energy for Queen Beryl, assigns monster to task, Scouts investigate and save the day. The Japanese version is on a much more mature level but you get to see more depth to the characters and story. It's also a little more elegant with the Japanese voices and the score for the show in later episodes is more masterfully crafted.

If you like the show, read the manga which is also really good and beautifully drawn.
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