Killer Condom (1996)
24 June 2002
Warning: Spoilers

Killer Condom is not your typical horror film.

Luigi Macaroni is the hard, stoic detective that can't love and dreams of returning to his home in Sicily, the only place that is truly home. He's a character from right of the classic film noir period. His longing to belong is a theme throughout the film. Detective Macaroni, along with nearly every other character in this film, is gay and he finds it impossible to truly belong in the big city of New York.

Meanwhile he's got other problems: clients at the Quickie Hotel keep losing their dicks, and as strings of whores are led into the police station, charged with the heinous crimes, Luigi is the only one who learns the true terror - condoms with large, sharp teeth that attack victims right where it hurts the most. You can probably guess where that would be.

None of his fellow cops will believe his story of these killer condoms because the only witnesses are drug dealers, whores, and pimps. But Luigi stands by his beliefs, eventually saving us all.

Underneath the carnage and the sex, lies a story that is a biting (literally) attack on the religious right and also the Republican party. This film brings out the dark side of the religious right and makes the viewer question the basic foundations of morality.

When Luigi gave his speech at the end about acceptance and tolerance, tears formed in my eyes.

The only thing I can't figure out is why this film, which is German with subtitles, takes place in New York. But perhaps I'm just analyzing too much.

Oh, Killer Condom is absolutely hilarious too. I wish my name was Professor Smirnoff or Luigi Macaroni.

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