Sling Blade (1996)
Riveting film
19 March 2003
Thornton has crafted a character in Karl Childers so guileless and true to himself that we instantly find ourselves on his side. We see the incongruity of trailer trash hick types that will call Karl a re-tard when they themselves have not a tenth the strength of character and goodness of heart of Karl. He does not understand the world of police, laws and the justice system but he has read the bible and recons he understands a great deal of it. He recognizes a kindred good heart in 'that boy' and his mother.

Karl knows the evil side of people perhaps better than we do, being raised as he was and having been made sport of quite a bit. (probably a vast understatement by him) When he is faced with a choice of what to do when people he has come to love are in danger, what would a person like Karl do, think of himself?

I am in awe of Thorntons characterisation in Karl. Billy Bob is unrecognizable and the character is striking and unique. While John Wayne was an acclaimed actor, it mattered not what role he was playing be it Rooster Cogburn or Gengis Khan he was always John Wayne, same same. Billy Bob as Karl Childers is acting defined. No actor is to be seen and there is this remarkable fellow name-a Karl Childers in his place. Outstanding tale and deserving nothing less than 10.
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