Chalk up one for Trek!
13 January 2000
"Star Trek First Contact" is by far one of the best sci-fi films of all time... right up there with "The Wrath of Kahn" and "The Undiscovered Country". Jonathan Frakes one again proves that he has the right stuff to sit in the director's chair (Unfortunately, I can't say the same for "Insurrection" but that's another review). Plus the film restores my faith in the Borg as the ultimate villains; whereas ST: Voyager has degraded them into incompetent, bubbling, buffoons (a la, "Dark Frontier")!

As for acting, Patrick Stewart delivers his best performance of his trek career (so far); as well as the supporting cast: Spiner, Dorn, Cromwell, Woodard, etc... However, Krige's roll as the Borg Queen fell rather flat. But overall a must see for trek and non trek fan alike!

Rating: 9
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