Black Lesbians, White Lesbians, Transparent Lesbians, and some spoilers.
8 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
If there was one thing I could say about this movie, it's that it tries very hard...too hard.

The characters aren't just lesbians, they're "very" lesbian. The relationship isn't just interracial, it's "very interracial". The director doesn't just care about the Watermelon Woman, she cares "very much" about her. The see-through, clubbed-over-the-head, teeth pulling-to-send-the-message-home delivery of this movie becomes unbearable the first 10 minutes into the film, and all I can say is that not only is the acting overdone, it's VERY overdone.

The overexertion of the themes in this film (interracial relationships, lesbianism, black history)cause the entire movie to feel strained, making parts of it unbearable. I was unsure what made me cringe more, that all white males in the movie had nasally, geeky voices, or the falsetto yelling of the main character in frustration as she attempts to put emotion behind the "f-word" in one scene.

The theme of racial tolerance is mind-boggingly preachy, and in case there was a possibility of it getting muddled, the filmmakers have conveniently placed a Goth, dog collar-wearing, heavily pierced, white girl to be diametrically opposed to the lead's ebonics-heavy, black pornography-watching best friend.

Honestly, Uncle Ben and Colonel Sanders are less of polar opposites than these two chess pieces.

The characters are two-dimensional, the plot is thin, and the entire catastrophe has the sincerity of an after-school special. Mockumentaries like this make me long for comparative masterpieces like Cannibal Holocaust.

Heavily not recommended.
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