Werewolf (1995 Video)
I need help
11 April 2003
Second only to Dolemite, this has to be the funniest film I've ever had the privilige of viewing. I would write a somewhat coherent review for it, but seeing as how the film-makers failed to give us a coherent film, I guess it only makes sense. Actually, NOTHING about "Werewolf" makes sense. It's like the film makers would shoot, run out of money, shoot again. Shoot, run out of money, shoot again. Shoot, run out of money, shoot again. You get the idea. How else could anyone explain the guy with an everchanging hairstyle. It looks like he would just drop whatever he was doing at the time and hot foot it over to the set to be in his scene. Really, this movie must have been filmed over the course of years. The werewolf itself also changes forms. When a skeleton is uncovered by a group of archeologists (?) the skeleton appears to be maybe three feet tall. Later on, when a guy transforms after getting scratched by the aforementioned skeleton (I didn't know that was possible), he looks like a bear with one of those halloween masks I had when I was a kid. How's that for ya? No, I'm not trying to be funny. I'm trying to be accurate. How about that Joe Estevez? He's always awful, but here he actually shines. It's too bad that he wasn't the lead.

My personal favorite scene was where the werewolf drives a car. That was priceless and it still gives me the giggles when I think about it. I never saw the MST3K version, but I doubt if I could have had more fun with it than I did watching it alone.
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