Review of The Practice

The Practice (1997–2004)
This impresses me...
4 June 2001
I only started watching "The Practice" last month. I saw the very last 2 episodes where they killed off Richard. David E Kelly has nailed it. I heard people saying how good it was from the beginning but I hated Law and order so I didn't think a show about lawyers would appeal to me. I was so wrong. The acting is superb. There is not one person on that show i don't like. Camryn Manheim is excellent. I have seen more of her in the reruns that started a couple of weeks ago. This E.P.A case her and Kelli Williams are working on. Kelli is very talented. It's hard to believe they are actors and not lawyers. I can see why it has won so many Emmy's. I can't believe I didn't start watching this years ago. My favourite character so far is Helen. She is so ruthless in that courtroom. If I was a witness being cross examined by her I would be scared. She has that D.A job down to a tee. Like i said earlier best cast ensemble t.v these days has to offer. I got to admitt I am a comedy type person but I have put this is my favourite show position. Out of a possible 5 stars I give this show a perfect score *****. Keep up the good work Lawyers of Boston MA. You have made my Sunday nights great. You take my mind off of having to go back to school the next day ;)
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