The worst part about the movie...
8 June 1999
I won't spend the time going over all that is bad with this movie. Hundreds of other people have already done that. There is one thing I want to say about it, though. One thing so horrible, so shattering, that it makes me hang my head in sorrow every time I think about it.

The worst thing about Batman and Robin is that it can't be salvaged. I tend to compare B&R to Star Trek V; both had poor stories, awful effects, total lack of continuity to their predecesors. Star Trek V, though, didn't do anything that couldn't be salvaged. You just kinda ignored the fact that it happened, and went on to ST6.

B&R, on the other hand, did so many major things that I lost count. They completely destroyed Mr. Freeze, who I think is one of the best characters in the Batman universe. A villain who really doesn't want to be a villain, but his dark past keeps forcing him. Ahnold played him as the Joker in a flashy suit (Actually, doesn't every villain in all 4 Batman movies play like the Joker in different makeup?). They destroyed the character of Bane; the only villain to ever defeat Batman. And don't even get me started on what they did to Batgirl. How could they ever salvage that?

The only way that a good Batman film could ever be done again is to either wait 10-20 years, and do it as a new franchise, or have Bruce step out of the shower at the beginning, saying how it was all just a dream...
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