Review of Mousehunt

Mousehunt (1997)
Laurel And Hardy Live !
29 March 2001
I love this movie because Nathan Lane and Lee Evans both seem to be doing an homage to the slapstick movies of Laurel And Hardy. One of my favorite actors, Nathan Lane has quite a few scenes where he looks like he's duplicating Oliver Hardy's mannerisms and quirks. Bronson Pinchot could have made a better sidekick especially for the physical humor, but even with Evans, the movie is a fast furious laugh riot as the guys try to catch one inescapable mouse which knows the house better than they do. Ian Abercrombie of Seinfeld fame also joins the fun as does veteran actor William Hickey of Wings in this his last role. The mouse which is in part portrayed by real mice, puppets and computer animation steals much of the movie as does a cat from Hades which then in turn unleashes a wild and funny John and Larry (Tom and Jerry ???) sequence far funnier than the sadisticly lousy cartoon. This movie rates a ten for humor, plot and camera effects as we see the world within the walls of our house.
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