My Main Problems
31 May 1999
I'd like to start by stating that I am not a Star Wars fan. Thus, my views are incredibly biased and should not be given the same weight as a fan's views. Also, I know that there is absolutely no excuse at all for not seeing this movie -- you just have to go. You do not, however, have to like it -- and I really didn't.

1 -- I loved the scenes with almost nothing but computer animation, like a few of the battles, but the computer-animated characters didn't blend with the real actors at all. It's very visually painful to see a person walking in shadows next to a character whose very animation style requires that he have spotlights on him at all times. I feel that remote control creatures would have been superior in many instances.

2 -- Little Anakin Skywalker. Yes, I know, I'm a horrible person for critiquing a little boy's acting style, and I know he'll probably turn out to be great one day, but he's not there yet. The boy gives every single line in an "Oh, wow" tone of voice, whether the line calls for it or not. It's something I truly believe he'll grow out of, but if the kid can't handle the lines yet, don't give them to him. Let his mother give more of his background or let things come up in conversations between the two Jedi Knights.

3 -- Once again, I'm a terrible, horrible person, but I absolutely loathed Jar Jar Binks. I am far from a violent person, but after less than a minute of screen time, I wanted to tear the thing's ears off and walk out of the theater. Maybe it's because I'm 18, but I found absolutely nothing redeeming about a character who skips along, spouting gibberish and doing incredibly annoying things, like eating random objects or sticking his head into energy beams. I really hope he doesn't ever see a sequel...

I realize that none of this will (or should) stop anyone from seeing the film, but I just couldn't idly stand by while it got unanimously rave reviews from everyone I know.

Oh, and anyone who can recognize Natalie Portman will be completely unimpressed by one of the "major" plot twists.
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