Welcome Back George!!!!!!!!!!!
19 May 2002
I think that George Lucas is back in the group after spending 2.5 years filming Star Wars: Episode II- Attack of the Clones. The movie was so good that I can't wait until 2005 when Episode III comes out. Last night, I was so excited to see all of the characters from Episode I come back to the big screen. That included: Anikan Skywalker, Obi-Wan-Kenobi, Queen Amadila, Mace Windu, Yoda, R2-D2, C3P0, Jar-Jar Binks.

The former queen Amadila (Natalie Portman), now a senetor, has traveled to a distant planet for business. When she arrives, it is discovered that a mysterious bounty hunter is trying to have her killed. So, she hires Obi-Wan-Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) and a grown up Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christiensen) to protect her considering they are both Jedi knights. When they both accept the job, Anakin is told to take her to Naboo where she will be safe from the bounty hunter. When Anakin takes her there, he sees true beauty in her and she just sees the same little boy that she saw ten years ago. Friendship doesn't work for Anakin, so he tells her that he loves her and cares for her. She feels the same way about him, except she can't live a lie as can Anakin. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan-Kenobi is assigned to go to a hidden planet and find this bounty hunter before he strikes again. But, what Obi-Wan finds out, is that this planet is full of army's of heavily guarded Clones that are planning to attack Amadila and her people soon!! Obi-Wan ends up meeting their leader, which turns very bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I personaly give thanks to George Lucas (The Indiana Jones Trilogy) for bringing a kids book to life and creating such beautiful settings, and very cool special effects. Also, John Williams' compositions were very exquisite and beautiful as well.

Written, produced, and directed by George Lucas, Attack of the Clones will have you cheerin throughout and by the end, you will be applauding!
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