The Devil's Child (1997 TV Movie)
90 minute long over christianized sermon.
20 January 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'll never understand, what with the literal thousands of other types of beings/creatures of shadow/darkness, film producers and screenwriters always lean on the old crutch of Christianity when conjuring their creations into being.

This movie was a ninety-minute (or there abouts) sermon; nothing more.

Sorry guys, but if I wanted to be repeatedly hit over the head by dogmatic Christianity, I would let the fundys in when they knock on my door.

If you're into that kind of masochism though, then this is definitely your movie.

Almost killed as a child, Nicky's mother promises her daughter's soul to the Devil to keep her from dying, thereby sealing her fate. Or did she? I don't know. This movie can't seem to decide.

This is a movie of the Christian heresy of Satanism and is therefore, not my cup of tea, but it seems as if it can not make up its mind. I think perhaps the director suffers from ADHD, or some such malady, as he wants to do a Satanic movie, but then again, Satan does not have the power to do anything...?...I don't know. This is basically just a convoluted mess centered around dogmatic Christian belief and peppered throughout with Catholic doctrines, used here and there whenever convenient, but otherwise ignored.

A complete waste of film, if you ask me.

It rates a 3.2/10 from...

the Fiend :.
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