Review of Election

Election (1999)
Well, I rather liked it
11 October 1999
Since there are so many comments on this one, I'll throw in just a few of my own:

1. I don't know why everyone was so surprised that Reese Witherspoon can act. I've been impressed with her every time I've seen her since 'Twilight' (where she also takes her top off, incidentally). I think she will get onto the Oscar list, despite everyone's pessimism.

2. Jessica Campbell is under-used. Had she been given more to do, she'd also be a worthy contender for the Academy.

3. Having been on the receiving end of election manipulation in my time, I can testify to the accuracy of the events in the film. In fact, I thought they were mild.

4. About time Matthew Broderick did something interesting.

5. Nice script, including a single but prominent use of the C-word in a nicely judged comic moment.

6. The flaws: multiple voice-over is irritating; they could have trimmed five minutes off the end, since the film seems to peter out; Tracy's hustings speech isn't strong enough, considering her intelligence; and how come so many people would actually vote for such an annoying little ******* anyway???.

7. The depictions of marital sex seem extremely plausible. It really can be that routine and inconsequential, folks...

Still, it made me laugh a lot (and wince at the mid-life crisis moments). 8 out of 10, and thanks. This sits alongside 'Rushmore' as one of the most interesting contributions to High School Cinema (my God, it's actually a MOVEMENT...).
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