Who Am I? (1998)
Another tame one.
18 May 2000
Jackie Chan movies just aren't what they used to be are they? Without a doubt, "Who am I?/Ngo hai sui" is a good piece of work, better than most movies in its genre. But there's something missing. If you look at masterpieces such as "Drunken Master", "Operation Condor", "The Armour Of God" or any of the Police Story movies (except "First Strike", which was nothing compared to the previous ones) and you'll see something that the recent Chan films are lacking. They were a whole lot funnier to watch, they had more creativity, more originality. more playfulness, the fighting scenes were much more elaborate, and the stunts were even more dangerous.

I've been suspecting this for quite some time, so the last couple of days I've been watching several of the movies Jackie's done the five years, just to prove my point. "Thunderbolt", "Mr. Nice Guy", this one, "Rush Hour", "First Strike", and then I watched "Rumble In The Bronx" again just in case. And it was extremely obvious that Jackie Chan's movies just aren't what they used to be.

None of these movies are bad at all ("Mr. Nice Guy" was actually good even though it was directed by the awful Sammo Hung), and they're watchable and enjoyable and all that crap. But if you've seen some of his older movies, I think you'll have trouble watching this since (and I'm sorry to repeat myself all the time) they new ones aren't as good as the old ones. I've had my finger on the fast forward button constantly while watching the movies I just mentioned, because they were terribly boring at times. I've never had to fast forward through "Operation Condor", there's not a dead second in that movie.

So, if you haven't seen too many Jackie Chan movies and are determined to watch all of them, I'd advise you to start with his latest movies and save the good ones for later.
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