Decent drama with horror elements.
8 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers
To be honest, this movie scared the hell out of me when I was a young boy; kids are really easy to impress. The truth is that "Veneno Para Las Hadas" is not scary at all but it focuses more on psychological horror and that's where it succeeds. The atmosphere is creepy enough to tense the viewer and therefore it's easy to follow the events which lead to a memorable ending. But keep in mind fellow IMDb user because this isn't a straight Horror movie; it suits better in the psychological horror section. Don't expect shocking visuals but in exchange, expect memorable dialogs and creepy mental situations.

The premise of the movie is simple. It deals with two young girls from a catholic school who are interested in witchcraft although they don't know the basics about it. The "evil girl" character is a deep study from a child that has no attention from her family or friends; it's a tormented youth that tries to find equilibrium in something like witchcraft.

Ana Patricia Rojo delivers an excellent performance, no wonder why she's a great actress nowadays.

This is by no means a scary movie, in fact, there are a few intentional scary scenes. For example, the grandmother appearance in the dark is a chilling moment although the scene wasn't meant to be intentionally scary.

Good acting, good direction, creepy - dark atmosphere, and a convincing score. For being a middle 80's Mexican "horror" movie, it's worth the watch.

SPOILERS!! The ending is a little shocking. I would like to know by word of the writer if the good girl told the cops about her witch friend, or what were her reasons for killing her.

Worth checking out but keep in mind that it isn't a straight Horror movie. If you like psychological horror, you will mostly enjoy it. It's a creepy tale.

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