It brought back Richard Ganoung
4 December 1999
I scanned the comments to see if this had come up, but unfortunately it had not.

Richard Ganoung, who plays the older friend who does in fact plant the titled kiss, starred in one of my all-time favorite (and rarely seen) gay movies.

Ganoung was the male lead of 1986's Parting Glances. I had only sought the film out a couple of years back, because a couple of clips were featured in The Celluloid Closet. In checking out his filmography, this is his first good role in the 12 years since.

While Ganoung may not be the most spectacular of actors, he does display depth. Contrasting both of his roles will probably give you a better appreciation of the role he plays in this one. He went from being the youthful object of affection to the older man longing for his younger friend.

Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss can't hold a candle to Parting Glances, which also features early work from Steve Buscemi and Kathy Kinney before her Drew Carey fame.

I highly recommend getting the video and watching both films to see the different ways gays and relationships are portrayed.

Ratings..... Billys: 7 Parting Glances: 10
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