An excellent movie about an everyday guy falling in love with the wrong guy.
17 October 1998
This movie is excellent. Good acting by all the actors and quite funny. It's a nice light tale of Billy who loves to produce his own art in the form of polaroids. He falls in love with the guy that he asks to be his model for his first REAL photo shoot. The model is supposedly straight but is breaking up with his "girlfriend" and seems to be slowly opening up to Billy and his lifestyle. Billy thinks he can have him but isn't sure if he's gay or not. Finally they get together but it's the model's first time and it falls through. He loses the model to a bigger shoot by another photo artist. The model goes to Catalina Island and Billy and others are invited (sort of) to the party afterwards. Billy chases after his model love just to find that his model has fallen in love with someone else. He also discovers that one of his best friends has loved him from afar for sometime but he never knew it. At the end he finally get's his photos seen at a show and another friend introduces him to someone else that loves his work and you can see that he is probably headed for love again and you leave the movie feeling that he is going to live happily ever after with the new friend.

I feel the movie is great because it takes a situation than we've all seen many times in movies about heterosexuals and switches it to the gay life. The nice thing is it shows that this is normal everyday life for anyone; gay or straight. Anyone could see this and love it gay or straight if they just watch it for what it is. This is not (in my opinion) a "gay" movie; it is a movie about they everyday life of anyone who's out there looking for love. The film maker simply showed that everyday life includes gays as well. Sure it centered around a gay man but it DID NOT center around gay life. It centered around LIFE. Period! :) I'm pleased with this film on many levels but the fact that it shows that everyone goes through the same thing and has the same feelings regardless of whether they are gay or straight is my favorite thing about this film. I highly recommend this film for everyone to see. :)
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