Idle Hands (1999)
22 December 1999
Idle hands mixes horror with comedy and the result a great movie. If Idle Hands was just a horror movie it would be a complete bomb but the comedy saves the movie and make it a very enjoyable watch. Credit has to go to Seth Green and and Elden Reatliff who give us most of the laughs as Devon Sawa pot smoking, lazy, TV watching friends. i especially like the part where Anton parents are dead and he gets them to come over and he says look at that, they walk in and see a film clip with girls dancing and they start dancing and singing along. saying "I didn't know they still showed this" Jessica Alba is hot and plays Molly the girl Anton has had a crush on ever since he first saw her. Although not original (short story in a movie exactly the same) Idle hands is a great, and fun watch. I would recommend this to anyone who want a good laugh.
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