Another great Broomfield documentary
11 February 1999
Nick Broomfield is a great documentary filmmaker - his pics on Heidi Fleiss & Aileen Wuoronos are especially effective. He was criticized for this film being too one-sided and featuring himself too much. But, as you watch the film, you realize he really had no choice because, everyone (especially people who are pro-Courtney) is terrified of suffering the wrath of Courtney (who is, no matter who you hear from, obviously a violent psychotic) if they speak out in Nick's film. This leaves only people with nothing to lose (addicts, losers, and disgruntled ex-employees) to interview. Thus, most of the footage consists of Broomfield desperately trying to glean ANY information on his chosen subject. What we learn we learn by reading between the lines. For instance, the very fact that Love put pressure on his financers from the very beginning of his filming speaks volumes. If Broomfield didn't set out to lambast her at the start, she certainly helped change his mind quickly. The film does little to clear up the decidedly murky circumstances of Cobain's death (though the guy seemed to be a walking suicidal time-bomb). What it does prove is that Love basically got her claws into Kurt, chewed him up, spit him out, and got his millions - all in a span of about three years! And it's all worth it to see Broomfield call an auditorium full of hypocrites - the ACLU - on the carpet for allowing Love, who regularly makes death threats to journalists, to be their spokesperson for free speech.
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