Review of Whatever

Whatever (1998)
Whatever? This is probably what you are saying to yourself.
14 September 1998
Yes, this is a "real" movie. It's certainly not getting the attention of the mainstream Hollywood summer blockbusters but it's a lot more powerful and enjoyable.

Synopsis: The story takes place in a working class new jersey suburb set in 1981 and centers on a young woman, Anna Stockard played by newcomer Liza Weil. Anna, in her senior year of high school, comes from a broken family, hangs out with the party crowd and is uncertain of her future. Although seemingly intelligent and artistic, she lacks focus. It's unclear if Anna will end up like her hard drinking and drugging friends or fulfill her ambition to go to art school in New York City.

The film was written and directed by New Jersey native Susan Skoog and unlike other films about the 80's (e.g., Boogie Nights), "Whatever" provides a very realistic view of this era. The clothing, hair styles, slang, and music all represent the suburban early 80's not the Hollywood version.

Although many of the characters are unappealing, the film still manages to capture you. I was both riveted and disturbed by it. Weil carries the film by playing Anna with a stoic integrity - you sense that she is a survivor. Skoog has created a film where you feel as if there was a hidden camera viewing a real teenager's life back in 1981. Skoog and Weil appear to have promising careers ahead of them.

If you want to see asteroids, bombs, fireballs and explosions, the 10 plex has a whole bunch of them. If you want to see a movie that is affecting, albeit, slightly disturbing, drive a little further and checkout "Whatever ".
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