Shatner - Great; Everything Else - Garbage!
20 May 2000
This film is truly two movies at once. About fifteen minutes of it involve a pair of sci-fi geeks' meetings with their idol William Shatner, who turns out to be quite the wacko indeed. These scenes are hilarious, with Shatner obsessively going on about his plans to produce a one-man musical version of 'Julius Caesar.' The rest of this overlong trudge through the would-be hippest backroads of L.A. is utter tripe. The two main characters are jabbering, rapid-fire bozos who banter endlessly about pop culture and sci-fi in a way no real human being ever has. They don't really have anything to say about any of it -- it's enough to simply say 'X-Men,' nod knowingly and high five one another. Their attempts to find girlfriends who'll put up with their nonsense makes up the bulk of this tiresome, unbearable film. Still, the Shatner stuff is top notch! A hilarious scene from his opus closes the flick on a note that's entirely too high to be justified by the tepid wallow we've just suffered through. Fans of Shat would do well to rent this, but for the love of all that is good, FAST FORWARD past every scene that doesn't feature Bill!!!! You've been warned.
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