Did he or didn't he????
8 September 2000
Don't know if Christian Bale is still considered a British actor, but he was very convincing as the narcissistic, wacko American of the 80s. The film poked fun at everything that was sacred in the 80s, from banal music to itty-bitty California cuisine to self-indulgence, and more. The director must be given credit for managing to satirize the violence -note, we didn't see that much blood, and very little if any of the actual hacking, or munching (yuk!).

At the end of the film, I was left thinking -hey, what was going on here? Did he really kill those people? Is this where the "psycho" part comes in? Was he a Ralph Bundie groupie, but imagining the murders? Hints along the way, folks, don't overlook them.
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