A Sluggish Start for Buzzy
25 April 2004
The "Stupidstitious Cat" stars Buzzy the Crow, a cartoon character I've never heard of, and a cat that is very superstitious. This cartoon starts out promising, as we're introduced to the cat as he's sleeping with his fingers, toes, legs, and eyes crossed. He immediately speaks in rhyme when he talks about his superstitions, sort of like, "Don't step on a crack, or you'll break your mother's back." It's been fifteen minutes since I watched the cartoon, and I can't remember what he said. I guess that's an indication of how memorable this cartoon really is!

The cat also has a unique voice. It almost sounds too humanistic. I guess I was expecting something along the lines of Sylvester. The cat also has a unique mannerism, which I guess is modeled after a popular actor during the 40's, but I'm not that much of a movie aficionado to know who it is. Then we're introduced to Buzzy, whose voice also surprised me. I guess I was expecting Tweety; instead, Buzzy sounds like a gruff construction worker. Jackson Beck, who did the voice of Bluto in the Popeye cartoons, voices him; so, I guess that explains that!

So in typical fashion, the cat wants to eat Buzzy, but Buzzy uses the cat's extreme superstitious worries to his advantage. Like I said earlier, the cartoon starts out funny, but it wears out real quickly. Some of the sayings and superstitions didn't even ring a bell with me (like "Bread & Butter" and lighting three cigars at once?) It was also interesting that Buzzy or the cat's voices never changed. They just kept the same tone throughout, even when they were nervous, angry, or excited.

Overall, the "Stupidstitious Cat" started out like a funny, unique cartoon, but it wore out its welcome. From what I gather here on IMDb, this was Buzzy's first cartoon, and he would appear in only seven other cartoons up until 1954. After seeing this cartoon, I can understand why his status didn't skyrocket.

My IMDb Rating: 4/10
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