hot sandy nights
29 July 2003
Everyone has their roots, you and I have them, and quite clearly, Francis Coppola has his. Pretty typical of the nudie cuties made in the early sixties... I would say this is 'better' than many made titty films made then, clearly not Russ Meyers though; but he was a freak. It's better 'made' than many titties churned out then, by which I mean he was already showing that he new how to film, make it look good even on a low budget. Good to see Jack Hill's name on the credit. I wonder if they still talk? Maybe Francis could chip in a few bucks to get Mr Hill's career back on track; loved Jack's drive in movies of the seventies. As for Coppola, I've got to agree with another reviewer; this is better than 'Jack'. What was he thinking when he made that crud? Did he have a thing for Fran Drescher or something? Anyway, this is cute, looks tame these days, just some flouncy boobs and stuff, innocent times.....
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