Review of Deterrence

Deterrence (1999)
A pleasant surprise at first; a Biblical prophecy last
22 September 2001
Got lucky and caught this little gem on cable without promo, hoopla or expectations. Had a little trouble seeing Kevin Pollak as the 'prez' until the story unfolded. On the surface it's a might makes right battle of good over evil ala Sid and Marty Kroft. (Hand puppets.) Then I settled in for the real story. Pollack is a weak, never-elected, mid-term veep come reticent-president called to task. The handlers try to handle, the president tries to preside and for a bit we believe he is without wits. We learn about our nation's security, the definition of security, and we are reassured while we recoil in horror. Only later do we get the second coming in Pollack and the necessity of his ultimate action. Only more relevant on the heels of the events of 9/11.
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