Abbie and the 70's canned for your viewing pleasure!
5 May 2001
Good acting and casting give this flick an authentic flavor (I watched the newly minted DVD) but having lived through the era depicted, I felt as though I was getting a diluted version of it all. Others have said 'something was missing' from part or all of the movie, and I agree. The something that is missing is the heart and soul of the 70's. And short of watching Val Kilmer's right-on performance of Jim Morrison (The Doors), nothing will bring it back.

This movie is just a swiss cheese version of Abbie Hoffman's life...too many holes. I bought Abbie's book, "Steal this Book" by mailorder back then. I was hoping to see some of the 'schtick' in the book show up on the wide-screen...nope.

It was a great book for its time and place. Until it was stolen :-))
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