Review of Monkeybone

Monkeybone (2001)
destined to be a cult classic
6 July 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This is one downright hilarious movie, for those lucky enough not to know what to expect from it. I saw it with an open mind, and didn't know what the movie was (except that it was short). It was downright hilarious. The movie uses comas, and death for humor, as well as having just plain psychosis all over the place. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a twisted sense of humor that likes their movies silly as well. I won't say anything more other than it is great because it is downright funny.

SPOILERS**SPOILERS**SPOILERS**SPOILERS** Two scenes: One in which Monkeybone dons a Marilyn Monroe dress, singing I wanna be loved by you. However, he is flat chested, so takes off his ears and blows them up into balls to stuff down his dress.

Another with Stephen King and Edgar Allen Poe in jail with death. King: Did you bring my night light? Poe: Steve King, what a pansy. King: Bite me, Poe.

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