This is what life is all about.
28 September 2001
Far from the "Matrix" and the "Mummy," on the other side of the world from a Jackie Chan kick fight, and worlds away from "Star Wars," there lives a world of just 'regular' folks. And as they get older, their lives take turns that make them reassess where they have been and what they have said. Who they may have hurt along the way.

Alvin Straight, (Richard Farnsworth) can't get a driver's license because of medical problems, won't get surgery for heart problems, and won't get a walker just because his hips are giving out. But he can still do one thing. He can get on his old, rusty lawn mower and head out to visit his estranged brother, Lyle (Harry Dean Stanton), even though that is over 300 hilly miles away.

If you find yourself choking back tears as this poignant journey progresses at 5 mph, through bad weather, odd lost people on the side of the road, and warm and wonderful people who help Alvin make this one last trip of his life, you won't be alone. And even with all that, you will be happy for Alvin. And wish you had come to know him better...maybe even be his next-door neighbor, or buy him a beer--chat a while to know a real person with malice toward none.

Don't miss this one, even though the DVD had no extras whatsoever. Did Farnsworth get the "Oscar" for this? If not, he was robbed. (DVD movie reviewed here.) 10/10 stars :-)
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