1 January 2004
There isn't too much to say about this latest installment of the Lord of the Ring's trilogy. INCREDIBLE!! Is probably the only description I can come up with. I thought this was the best of the three. All the acting, directing, editing were great. The scenery was breathtaking. With all the work and heart that everyone put into this movie, I saw one person who topped the pile. Throughout all 3 movies, Sean Astin, portrayed Sam Gamgee with sensitivity and heart. But in this third movie, it was as though a damn opened up and Astin let loose with everything he had inside of him. I cried with him on the mountain above the ghouls castle. Of all the characters, Sam grew the most and Astin led the way with his performance of the young sensitive, shy and insecure Hobbit who became a hero in every sense of the word.
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