Film is a success despite loose adaptation and possible Oscar snub
17 December 2003
LOTR:ROTK was simply fantastic. I still probably enjoyed Fellowship the best (mostly because of the "WOW" factor of seeing the film brought to life--that film was revolutionary. I also liked the story best when the whole fellowship was together), but ROTK wrapped up the trilogy in the most spectacular fashion imaginable.

If you like the movies more as movies, then you will love this film. If you're a Tolkien die-hard you will probably find many things to nitpick (like the omission of the "Houses of Healing" sequence--just how is it exactly that Eowyn, Faramir, and Merry all get healed--oh well read the book or wait for the 4-disc DVD), but really, nitpicking is for the dweebs anyway.

I certainly think the film (representing the trilogy as a whole) deserves the Best Picture Oscar, but it has STIFF competition this year (Mystic River, Cold Mtn., Master & Commander, Kill Bill, etc.), stiffer than any previous year, plus the Academy doesn't like fantasy pictures or foreign directors--so it's Oscar success is not guaranteed.

Despite this, moviegoers are the true winners. People laughed, gasped, cheered ("I am no man!" generating the most thunderous applause), cried, and gave the film a rapturous ovation at the screening I attended. I think ROTK will be an absolute success in every way.
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