Dorf on the Diamond (1996 Video)
This could have been better...
22 February 2002
Dorf on the diamond really makes fun of fans and announcers, more than the sport of baseball. This is really the way to try to make a funny video, but it just seems to play to long and is not all that funny. Highlights, or the main event are/is the peanut vendor sequence. A peanut vendor going through signs to sell nuts is a hilarious idea, but 50cents a bag?? Since when are they that cheap, especially since a hotdog and coke is shown to cost $6.

In the video, Dorf also has some dream sequences, about him playing in and managing baseball, but in most cases the kid shows up and steals Dorf's thunder. Why would the kid be in Dorf's dream though??

In all, Dorf's dream sequences should be cut out of fast forwarded through, the rest is decent (yet not great) stuff.

Additionally, Dorf's antics in the parking lot are good and the finale/post/during credit sequnce is at least novel.

Dorf is better at golf, but at least this beats his fishing.

Rating: 4
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