Only for fans of..erm, well, pointless, dull TV movies!
26 February 2002
When a trained killer is crossed by her boss she keeps secret files relating to nuclear weapons. Colonel McBride kidnaps her daughter in exchange for the files. They agree to exchange at a secret military base, Cliff 7, in 36 hours. However both have plans that it will not be a straight swap.

I like writing reviews - it helps me think about what I've just seen. I have a bad habit of doing other thinks while watching movies on TV so writing about it helps me draw more enjoyment from them by thinking back over them. However sometimes the film is such an average film that has nothing noteworthy in it at all. This is one of those films - it's just plain. It's bad, but not so bad that I could think of lots of things to slate it about. It's simply unmemorable. The story involves some plans which only act as a reason for the daughter to get kidnapped - in fact at the end it almost feels like the plans have been forgotten! As McBride says at one point `I'm tired of all this child-in-peril crap', he doesn't know how many people he speaks for.

The action is really poor and very dull. The acting is terrible. Nancy Allen was never Oscar material, but her she is just plain wooden. Meanwhile Henriksen is just as bad! He is usually worth watching but here he's just rubbish. The love interest character is terrible with cheesy dialogue and a poor character.

Overall this is just a waste of 90 minutes - and not even an enjoyable waste, some bits are unintentionally funny due to stupid dialogue or daft action but I wish I'd fallen asleep. Oh, and the title doesn't make sense - `dusting'? Someone explain it to me!

The film in one line? `I'm tired of this child in peril crap!'
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