I didn't really like the original, but the sequel is great!
29 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers
The original NIMH bored me. I don't know why, but it just did. But I love the sequel! I don't care if it isn't like the original because I don't like the original that much. The animation in "Timmy to the Rescue" is great and I love the songs. When it first came out, I use to sing the songs all the time. Now I don't, but I still love them! I think the best about about it is the storyline. I can't think about anything bad to say about this film. It is just awesome! I also love the characters. They are adorable and lovable. Oh, the movie is about MRS. Brisbey's son, Timmy. He goes to Thorn Valley to train to be a hero and protect the rats from NIMH. When Timmy is older, his brother gets turned evil and plans to take over Thorn Valley. Tim and his female friend go to NIMH and try to stop him. I'll stop there. I give this film 10/10 stars.
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