Masquerading as a Hercules movie...
29 May 2001
The real hero of this story is a Zorro type fellow, played, I think, by Ettore Manni. A soldier, Ettore, attacked by rebels, becomes their friend when he stands up to Hercules, Alan Steel, in a knife fight. How Hercules, (ancient Greece), took up with a band on Conquistador bandits, (they have those helmets), was never explained to my satisfaction. He should have been long dead. O.K., O.K. Then, this soldier, in order to save his ladylove from an unwanted marriage, dons a red mask and some frilly black ruffles. Not a toga in site. Also, numerous subplot romances.

Alan Steel, in the minor role of Hercules, lesser, secondary, sidekick to Zorro, does get five minutes of screen time or so. He throws a few people up into a tree, and also tears down a hangman's scaffold, so all was not lost. Anyway, if anyone can explain this movie to me, I'd love to hear... Possibly, I simply didn't pay enough attention to the dialogue. Also, Ettore Manni, Zorro imitator, accidently shot himself to death later in life. Divine justice, one hesitates to suggest?

P.S. I can't find 'Golia' in my Italian/English dictionary, although "and the Masked Rider", translates pretty easily. What's Golia? Goliath? What's the relation between Goliath and Hercules. I'm just so... confused.
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