Review of Last Chance

Last Chance (1999)
One of the best movies I have seen in a long time!
12 September 1999
I had the opportunity to see Last Chance at the Rhode Island Film Festival in Providence,RI on August 15th. I was so impressed by the movie as a whole but in particular I was impressed by the acting of Robin Dearden who played Lauren Benson. It is so refreshing to see a story about a women who is learning about herself and her own strength without it being because "someone kidnapped her daughter and no one will listen, etc, etc, etc...". There seems to be so few stories about women who are more than just one dimensional and this is one of the few! Robin played the part of Lauren in a way that made you feel you were eavesdropping on a person's life not watching a movie. She was completely believable as a woman who never expected more than her "lot" in life until a stranger touches her in a way she never expected. The supporting cast was excellent as well. What a great treat to see a movie that does not rely on violence, sex, and special effects to keep an audience's attention but relies instead on real characters and an intelligent story. The film played to a sold out crowd of about 150 people at the Rhode Island Film Festival. After the show, Bill Timoney, an actor and producer of the film, invited people to comment on the film and ask questions. The overall response of the film was excellent!! This is one of the most enjoyable movies I have seen in a long time and I look forward to seeing it again!
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