Last Chance (1999)
Finally, the brilliance of an unfinished circle
12 September 1999
The first thing that I saw pertaining to this movie was a poster that read "Will you know when it's your last chance?" I answered the question like so many other people in there mid 20's do with, "Of course. Are you kidding me?" I walked into the film a 25 year old and walked out a much smarter 25 year old. This film has amazing insight, wonderful writing and an outstanding cast. Some of the lines in the screenplay blew me away. It made me stop and look at my life. It's a film that you go to sleep with. You think about it when you leave. You talk about it with the person that you went with and then you take the most precious part home with you which is analyzing your existence here on earth and what role you have and what role you don't have. All of the characters have true depth and the realism pours out of the screen. None of the characters are "bad" people. They are just who they are. Smart. Smart. Smart. It's so refreshing to see life as it is and how it can change - if you have the courage to change it.

I was told once that an unfinished circle was much more appealing than the closed one because the person looking at the unfinished circle could fill in the missing piece. Last Chance owns this brilliant piece of film making that many films try so hard to capture. This film doesn't have fast paced special effects or a crazy, hip screenplay. This film owns truth and knowledge into the wonderful world of life. After seeing this film, don't be surprised if you catch yourself evaluating where you are and if you truly will know when it's your last chance.
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