Stupid and forgettable but entertaining.
27 September 2004
Head Over Heels is a brainless and totally forgettable movie, but it works well for a midnight showing on USA. I wouldn't pay a cent to see it, but I don't regret having blown two hours on it.

It's an awkward and weird comedy, too, one that made me wonder whether I was actually awake while watching it. Looking over the comments confirms my fear: yes, there is a scene where the dumb ingenue gets humped by a giant dog. (We're not just talking her leg here, either.)Very, very creepy. Not funny. The dog in question is being walked by Freddie Prinze Jr, and the unfortunate woman is the breathlessly ditzy Monica Potter. Is this supposed to serve as a romantic "meet cute"? (To use Ebert's term!) Blech.

The supermodels are nice eye-candy but not terribly entertaining or charismatic, though they seem to enjoy poking fun at their industry. That fact alone makes them a lot more personable. The "dumb model" jokes get old fast, though. Yeah, yeah, we know that they're ditzy. The fact that they seem completely out of touch with reality is a little more amusing, but there's only so many times you can make the same crack about plastic surgery.

I'm not totally sure where all the comparisons to Rear Window come in, incidentally. The plot is completely and entirely different with the exception of the fact that both movies involve a potential murder and a window. C'mon, people--if you think that Head Over Heels is anything like Rear Window, you weren't paying attention to one or both of them.

The movie does go downhill fast, though, going from entertainingly stupid to boring and disjointed about halfway through. Freddie Prinze Jr. doesn't help, of course; in 2001 he was just the flavor-of-the-month as far as romantic leads go. He's not very talented.

Monica Potter isn't much better; she's basically a low-rent version of Julia Roberts with a smaller and less demonic mouth. (But seeing as how I don't like Roberts either, maybe I'm not the best person to ask.) The movie attempts to make her seem like the intelligent roommate, but she comes out looking like an insecure moron whose main charm comes from the fact that she's clumsy and falls down a lot. How in the world does someone like her get a job restoring 600 year old paintings? Seriously now.
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