Passions (1999–2008)
"Passions" is like the cliched car wreck...
4 August 2000's pretty awful, but you just can't tear yourself away. In my case, I think it's because I keep telling myself, "This is the episode where something is going to HAPPEN." Of course, it never does. Actually, you could probably watch one episode of "Passions" every two months and you wouldn't have missed a thing.

The show moves at the pace of real life, and that's not a good thing. Most residents of Harmony are incredibly dense and can't figure even the most obvious things out to save their lives. The male characters, especially, are incredibly stupid, with the exceptions of Chad Harris and Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald (don't forget to include both the "Lopez" and the "Fitzgerald".

Each character has his/her own line that he/she is forced to repeat in every episode. Poor, beleagured Pilar Lopez-Fitzgerald is constantly telling Theresa/Ivy that it would be a "disaster" if: Theresa continues to pursue Ethan Crane/Ivy continues to pursue Sam Bennett. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald's mantra is that "it's FATE" that her and Ethan be together. Of late, Theresa's new line regarding Ethan is "if ONLY he weren't a Crane!"

Of course, we in the audience know that Ethan really isn't a Crane, but the dawn of the 22nd Century may be upon us before Theresa (or anyone else in Harmony) knows it.

There are three separate female characters pursuing men that have repeatedly rejected them: Theresa, Ivy and Kay would, ordinarily, be committed to some kind of mental institution or at least sent to counseling, but in Harmony, their mentally-unhealthy behavior apparently fits right in.

"Passions" is pure camp and does provide some laughs--especially when Tabitha and Timmy are on the screen. But I can't help but miss a show like "Another World" in its best days: a show about realistic characters in which the story actually progresses.
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