I totally remember this awesome show
7 May 2003
I must have been less than 10 years old, but this was the first real cable comedy show me and my older sister ever watched. Nickelodian was our dream channel at the time, and this would still fit right in on the Comedy Channel today. I'm really surprised no one ever did the idea again after all this time. I'm a big MST3K fan, but I think I liked Mad Movies just a little bit better.

I don't remember any of the episodes, and we used to have a ton on tape. They're probably long gone by now, but I still remember bits of the opening credits with closeups of everyone talking into mics. The only thing closely resembling this brilliant show is the similar game they sometimes play on Whose Line Is It Anyway, although that's improvised. In any case, I hope they re-air this show on Com Central sometime since it really is timeless... very few if any 80s jokes if I recall. Mad Movies!
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