Review of The X Show

The X Show (1999–2001)
What the HECK happened to this show??!!
13 January 2003
Like most men I love women. I mean LOOOOOOOVE women. Especially looking at women. And the producers and hosts of this show knew it. So its safe to say that they exploited that fact. Not as "sexist" as most people would have you believe. It was actually very funny and entertaining.

Maybe even a little informative. Sort of like Comedy Central's "The MAN Show", but with more women and info about them. I loved the "Perfect 10" magazine models and those "Mini Pageants" they had once a week. The spokes model thing they did every show was a bit annoying. I can't believe those chicks ACTUALLY thought this show was their big break! What air-heads!! (NOTE: If you are a feminist and you just read what I wrote, you'd agree with me if you've seen just one episode. Those bimbos were air-headed and desparate.) The thing that brought the show down was the fact that they kept changing the hosts. Specifically every few months they'd get rid of one guy and hire a new guy (or in one case a WOMAN).

Some blonde that laughed at everything. Jillian Barbarie had frequant guest appearances (she'd literally do ANYTHING for FOX). Seriously. If Fox asked her to appear in this or host that she'd do it. She admitted this. She was hot, but had a VERY annoying laugh. Another downside was the NEVERENDING Product Placements and advertisements. Every other minute they'd tell you to buy something. At first I thought it was their opinions then it became obvious. They'd tell you to buy ALL these electronic gifts for your girlfriend, wife, some chick that lived in th same dorm as you in college. (LITERALLY). They'd say buy her a boombox and that will get you noticed!! I did however learn from this show. Like the back of a woman's knee is an erogenous zone! I have so much more to say, but will save it for another time.
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