Cliche city, stereotypes ad nausea!
22 February 2004
Poor Rula Lenska & Ron Moody how far they have fallen, to accept and perform in this clichéd dirge! Script, script, script I hear the gate keepers, the producers, the film council shouting, if the foremost essential key to a successful film, but know one obviously took the time read this one and kill this abomination at birth, in fact it would seem that unbelievably know one read it before taking part in this rubbish. Evidently everyone involved fees were high because the stench this one will leave behind will follow everyone who took part in this travesty of a drama to their graves. Take my advise and watch instead some early afternoon Australian soap reruns from the eighties, like 'Cellblock H' the performances are comparable the plausibility of the drama and dialogue vastly superior.
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