Review of Python

Python (2000 TV Movie)
Absolute Garbage!
29 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler!! First off, I made the mistake of getting this film because Robert Englund was one of the headliners in it, that and the DVD was only $3.95 (worst $3.95 I ever spent in my life by the way). To be honest though, if you want to see Robert Englund act in something where he is not Freddy Krueger, I would recommend watching that episode of Jamie Foxx where he is an art thief, as that is much better than this pile of crap.

Ok, for starters the snake itself looks extremely fake. The CGI job that was done on this was very subpar at best. There is little to no gore in this "horror" film either, except for skeletons with burned away flesh, a special effect they could have done for about $29.95. Additionally, there isnt much nudity either, except one pair of naked breasts in the beginning, big whoop.

Secondly, the plot absolutely sucks. There is so much backstory that means absolutely nothing to the movie itself. I thought this film was about a huge snake that was biomedically engineered to be a killing machine. Instead, for about half of the film they focus on 2 guys and 2 girls and their relationships, as well as the cop that had his girl stolen from by the other guy. They develop that way too much for this film, as this isnt a romantic story, but a horror film people!

Thirdly, there is no consistency to the film at all. In the beginning, the snake shoots acidic venom at people to melt their skin away and kill them, but by the end of the film the snake seems to forget how to do that, which makes it much easier for the heros to kill it, and I thought this snake was supposed to be engineered to be smart too? Give me a break. Oh that and a dozen military special OPs can't kill it, but 4 or 5 wusses can kill it without any military training whatsoever. It amazes me that they can use bombs with such ease without the training for it.

Fourthly and most importantly, the acting is horrible. I think they must have been going for a comedy for this film, because each person's acting makes you laugh its so cheesy. The relationships arent believable, their fear isnt believable, and certainly that fight sequence that two of the main characters do looked very fake and non-dangerous. I have been in worse scraps in middle school than the fight they show in this movie.

The only bright spot I have to say for the film though is the one sheriff's deputy that was extremely funny. He must have been a tribute to Andy Griffith Show's Barney Fife, because he actually looked like him and acted like him. But alas, the snake kills him. Once he was killed I knew all the entertainment value for this film was lost (as if it had much to start with). I did get a laugh out of the lesbian sequence in the beginning of the film, and some of the jokes about the bisexual girl Lisa (who was in the beginning sequence), but that was about it for entertainment.

If you have never cheered for the villain or monster in horror films before, you will now. Trust me, if you ever watch this film you will cheer for the snake to kill them all and mercifully end this thing early, and not in 100 mins either!
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