Final Fantasy VI (1994 Video Game)
Not one movie ever touched me emotionally, but this video game has done me in
16 July 2001
You know, the wonderful gameplay isn't this game's best feature. The best feature would have to be the story. The game stars 15 heroes, who are determined to demolish the Empire for separate reasons. No two characters are the same in this game, and are all unique in their own way. The game start off, like many Square Soft games (like FF4 and 7,) with the main character doing the dirty work for the evil side. When The Empire discovered she had the mysterious gift of magic, they quickly placed a slave crown on her, which put her under their control. One day while invading the town of Narshe, Terra and two other troops (Vicks and Wedge) come across a glowing crystal. Vicks and Wedge were instantly killed by stepping too close. However, the crystal has a mysterious effect on Terra, as she feels drawn towards it. Suddenly, lighting begins to flicker between Terra and the crystal, as if they're becoming one. Terra passes out, and finds that a local from Narshe took her inside once she wakes up. He takes the slave crown off her head, and for once Terra can think straight. However, she doesn't get too much time to think, as Emperial Troops soon come barging down the door. They need Terra's power back! Fearing for her life, Terra runs into a nearby hospital, where she falls down a manhole, and is knocked unconscious. The Empirials almost capture her, but a wandering thief (or he prefers, "Treasure hunter") named Locke comes in for the rescue just in time. Terra soon wakes up after being rescued, and tries to explain what happened. However, Terra has a hard time thinking after falling. Locke is frightened, as he's heard of how powerful Terra truly is. He's going to need help to save her, preferably the king of Figaro, Edgar!

If this intro intrigues you, then your jaw will drop in awe at least 7 times while playing this game. There's a total of 15 heroes, each with their own reason for joining the fight against the Empire. Characters range from Mog the Moogle (who joins your team after you save him from falling off the edge of a mountain) to Shadow (a mysterious man who is thought to be ruthless. However, he has a very soft side too, and finds love in his companions. He shows no love at all to the Empire however.) Overall, I have never been more impressed by a storyline than in this game (including books, movies, and TV dramas.)
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