Review of Baby Steps

Baby Steps (1999)
A "small" story with so many issues - well made
26 February 2001
This is a short (25 minutes) film about a gay guy wanting to adopt a baby. It's quite simple - it's his meeting with the woman at the adopting agency and what follows after she realizes he is gay. It's a short one about re-discovering what is important in life and how frustrating things can be in a society that doesn't accept gay men as eligible parents. While straight people are not required to show that they are fit parents, totally fit parent that like other parents of the same sex are denied that basic right.

The actor-director Geoffrey Nauffts does very well on both counts and Kathy Bates is a strong person to act along side. What's interesting is that not all things are made obvious and some smaller issues are left undiscussed, without making it look anything but sensible that in every day life we don't have answers to all questions.

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