21 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
If they're still spoilers 18 months later after the premiere, too bad.

I'm glad I waited for cable. This one wasn't as weak as Final Frontier, but it definitely is one of the weaker ones.

There's just too much deus ex machina. Geordi just "happened" to have come up with the transporter prototype that allowed Picard to escape death. The transporter itself just "happens" to stay functional just long enough to get Picard over to the Scimitar, and only THEN breaks down. Picard just "happened" to order a full memory transfer into B4, so now it can become the new Data since the old one has been destroyed.

The memory transfer from Data to B4 blows my mind in and of itself, actually. No maybe about it; as a command-level officer (that's commander and above, folks), Data's got a few things in his positronic brain that Starfleet doesn't want broadcast to all and sundry. The Enterprise crew has already encountered one Data-lookalike that turned out to be (WARNING: HEAVY SARCASM) somewhat untrustworthy (Lore). So Picard just casually allows everything to be downloaded into B4's brain. Let the court martial convene.

While it was nice to see Wesley Crusher (am I the only one who think the character gets WAY too much flak?), it would also have been nice to get just one line explaining how the hell he got there, since he was last seen going walkabout with the Traveller. The Federation Postal Motto must put ours to shame ("Neither Borg nor Lore nor Cosmic Entity shall keep our couriers from their appointed rounds!")

All in all, heavily disappointing. 4/10
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