The Endurance (2000)
It's all about leadership
5 July 2004
This movie shows that it's all about quality of leadership.

Shackleton put an ad in the paper for the journey:

"Men wanted for Hazardous Journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success."

Would you sign up for an inland trek over the South Pole? I know that I would not, yet over a thousand men answered the ad. The men that Shackelton led were skilled men but not all that out of the ordinary. They had the same weaknesses as any other team. Keeping them from self destructing and working towards the common mission was an amazing accomplishment. And, the thing that made all the difference was the quality of the leadership of Ernest Shackleton.

This movie is wonderful for leadership training. Everyone who is going through troubles and is in a position of leadership can easily spot parallels to their own situation in the movie.

Shackleton's virtues of concern for his men and desire to keep up their morale shine through in this movie. On one occasion he even makes a decision which doesn't make sense but serves to keep up the hopes of the men.

I would show this movie to a group of businessmen in a competitive market, to an executive board faced with tough decisions or to a church leadership team in need of encouragement and strengthening. It shows what is common in all human lives (adversity) and what is uncommon (an extraordinary faith and perseverance).
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