"I thought you was gonna fall..."
10 April 2004
And indeed it did. This film fell flat on its face. Not in a comedic way, but in a horrible spasming death. I rented this film from Blockbuster Video's 'Gold Collection'... Never has a film been so terribly misplaced.

I rented this film as part of a bad horror movie night, in order to have a laugh with my friends. The other films were all enjoyably bad, but this was something else all together. The acting was beyond bad, unfortunately it also passed the point of being so bad it was good (or even merely funny). Instead this film ended up with acting so bad it was physically painful to watch and hear.

There were approximately 3 laughs in this film and I doubt any were intentional. One laugh featured is the worst attempt at a shock-scare ever, as an overweight guy grabs a man's leg on a ladder and then delivers his only line in the film in the most hideously funny way possible. Usually when a reviewer teases you like that it is to go get you to see the film, I however want you to do no such thing. I have, therefore, hidden within this review that very line. It is easy to discover, so do so. I guarantee you that it will be far more enjoyable than sitting through this film.

I work for Blockbuster, so I got this rental free. I cannot try to dissuade you from renting (or even *shudder* buying) this film enough.

To conclude:

This film is so bad that it can actively ruin a movie night devoted to mocking bad horror films. Don't make the same mistake I did.
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