better version of Fire in the Sky?
24 January 2002
Warning: Spoilers
So, I may be biased against this film as I want some plausability in movies. And less showiness for the sake of showiness. In Moulin Rouge, it was flashy, but so are musicals. This was so self-rightous and self-important, it was hard to take it seriously. The editing in the first sequence alone says it all.

As for the movie itself, it really drags in the middle. I was constantly looking at the broken clock in the room and at the reels to see how much more we had before the next reel. Maybe the fact that it was sweltering in the place didn't help. The performances were decent for the material given, but the material wasn't all that great either. Especially with this one, it seemed really weird.

There was a decent amount of laughter through this movie, especially through the more dramatic parts. It wasn't as hilarious as Mission to mars, but it was starting to get there. The movie was well done, but some of the points were just awful. One shot had Gere walking along a wall, which made me laugh for some reason. It was funny. Also, the fact that he only had one phone in the house was strange.

*SPOILERS**SPOILERS**SPOILERS** The ending sucked. Full of implausibilities and such. Maybe it was the college crowd, but the number 37 should never be used in the dramatic context. Clerks ruined the number. Then, I like the fact that he was able to rip the mesh divider between the to sections of the cop suv right off to save the girlfriend. And, I don't believe that's how a bridge would self-destruct, crumbling in pieces from the side nowhere important for no good reason. There were other hilarious parts in the rest of the movie too, but I don't really remember them, too many brain cells. *END SPOILERS*

So, in the end, the movie is better for your average filmgoer, and I suspect that it will do decent at the box office, considering my two friends liked it. Me, I hated it. We need better sci-fi, not this self-rightous x-files.

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